With the proliferation of ads about weight loss tea, it is hard to determine which the best weight loss tea really works: Green, Black or Oolong. Discovering the value of tea and its properties has been attributed to Asians, largely to the Chinese who discovered and shared the benefits of tea to the world. Through the centuries, a lot of varieties of tea have come out and most notably of these are green tea, black tea and oolong tea. All of these varieties have the same weight loss and health benefits and have, most often than not, been compared to each other. Let us try to make our own comparative analysis of which is the best tea in terms of promoting weight loss by taking a look at the level of properties each of these teas contain.
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Weight Loss Properties Green Tea Black Tea Oolong Tea
Stimulates Metabolism M H M Accelerates Weight Loss M H M Burns Excess Fats H H M Diuretic H H M Appetite Suppressant M L M Blocks Fat Absorption H M M Aid Digestion L L M Increases Endurance H M M
Legend: H - High M - Med L - Low
Green Tea
Research shows that this kind of tea contains high amounts of polyphenols which activates the enzymes that dissolves excess triglyceride. Excess amounts of triglycerides turn into fats which causes obesity thus if green tea activates the triglyceride dissolving enzymes then it is an effective fat burner. It has also been known to contain powerful antioxidants one of which is known as epigalloatechin gallate (EGCG), a metabolism stimulant and weight loss accelerator. EGCG, together with the caffeine content, causes the release of fat into the blood stream to be used as energy by stimulating the central nervous system, a process known as thermogenesis. Thermogenesis provides additional energy, acts as a diuretic by making the body shed excess water and facilitates the burning of body fat. With the additional energy provided by green tea, tea drinkers have more endurance to do more exercises thus burning more calories and losing more pounds.
Black Tea
Black tea has more caffeine in it than green or oolong tea because black tea is fully oxidized or fermented. Since it has more caffeine, thus black tea can increase the metabolism of the body for about four hours which is part of the tea's weight loss property. Do not put sugar in your tea if you want to lose weight.
Oolong Tea
Oolong tea has been receiving a lot of attention due to its weight loss properties. However, all varieties of teas have powerful antioxidants and the quality or density of these antioxidants depends on how the tea was oxidized. Oolong tea, being a semi-fermented tea, have the best of both properties of green tea and black tea because it is not unfermented like green tea nor is it fermented like black tea.
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