What is fat? For one, fat is the lipid tissues built up around your whole body to protect you from harm while insulating heat to keep you from hypothermia. The only notion of fats protecting you come to a halt whenever it exceeds it necessary boundaries in which it starts to attack your system. For instance, obesity leads to diabetes and heart disease because the extra fat clogs arteries while knocking your glucose releases into a frenzy. Does all of this sound scary? Then a fat weight loss diet is the answer to your fears.
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Step 1: Annual Check Up
Visit your doctor or health department for an annual check up to make sure you are alright. Discuss the possibilities of losing weight, steps to take, and if it is okay to start a fat weight loss diet in order to save your heart. You may be surprised with the answers you receive, but make sure you are ready for the sacrifice. Weight loss is not an easy task, but it gets easier as you change your life for good instead of for a few weeks to win a silly contest with friends.
Step 2: Get Rid of Old Habits
Old habits can include watching one or more hours of television, eating late at night, taking the elevator in a four story building, and other lazy aspects of your life that have increased your size. Get rid of those habits if you want to save your life. Your fat weight loss is targeted for lipids that surround your heart (not your waist). We want to focus on ways to make your metabolism build a momentum to burn fat while easing you into a new life thatâEUR(TM)s fit for a winner. Are you ready to let go of the strawberry cheesecake, red velvet cake, and apple pie binges? If so, start waking up early so you can start your new life on a good night.
Step 3: Wake Up Early
Waking up early can do wonders during a fat weight loss diet because it creates a momentum over the next 16 hours. Wake up early so you can walk, eat breakfast, and do anything that you want to do before the busy day begins. The morning hours are the best times to get your thoughts together and focus on your regime (for work and weight loss efforts) to better your lifestyle. If you have overslept into the afternoons lately, think about the beautiful mornings you are missing in return.
Step 4: Buy Healthy Foods
You may want to pick up that bag of chips, drink that white chocolate mocha latte, and skimp on breakfast. Forget those nasty habits for you to win a battle towards fat; drink a bottle of water with some fresh squeezed orange juice while eating egg whites, wheat toast, and turkey bacon. The cost of your mocha latte can buy enough breakfast foods to last two to three days at home. Weight loss does not mean you have to spend all of your money; those early mornings will start to come in handy more than you think overtime.
Step 5: Go to Bed Early
You need to sleep if you want to lose weight. There is no way to beat around the bush - wake up early, go to bed early. Keep it on a tight schedule so you can have time to do anything you need during your days. Many people make the mistake of not resting which leads to binge eating, fatigue, and loss of appetite. These are not good signs. Take care of your health starting today so you can live to see a brighter tomorrow.
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