Ninety-five percent of all attempts to lose weight end in failure -- either to lose weight or to keep it off.
Weight loss programs and big money-makers, everyone even, has a new idea or program. Because the failure rates are so high people jump from program to program. No one is teaching people all the steps in the weight loss equation.
Most people don't have enough knowledge to evaluate the information or program they investigate, therefore it's very difficult to go down the right road:
* You'd never go to a neighbor down the street for medical advice
* Expectations about losing weight are unrealistic because mis-information is so rampant
* You're easily sold on the idea that you can lose 30 pounds in 30 days without dieting or exercising
* No medical school in the country teaches doctors about weight loss and control
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Success in weight loss is an unusual event and the odds are stacked against you.
Here's the real story. When fat was blamed for heart disease, all professional agencies recommended low-fat eating. What was the idea behind this?
Fat has twice as many calories as carbohydrates and protein so it was thought that if people ate carbs instead of fat that they would reduce their calorie intake by a good amount. This, however, is not what happened.
In fact, calorie intake actually increased because all of those carbs got converted to body fat and then hunger set in and you just eat more. What was the outcome? The only one that was possible, people got fatter and they were hungry all the time.
As the obesity epidemic grew it seemed "logical" that fat was the culprit. What was the solution that was chosen? The low-fat diet, but there had been no tests, no studies and the blind followed the blind.
Did Any of Them Know that Carbs Converted to Fat? No.
Fifty years of research shows that a calorie-reduced diet will not lead to the weight loss predicted by the reduction in calories. This baffled researchers and in 2007 they set up some studies to find out what had happened and why this simple idea did not work in practice.
The failed method was difficult to accept but the answers started coming in. The subjects, it was found, failed to reduce their calorie intake to the amount they were supposed to consume. This, at first, surprised the researchers but the proof and answers were now in.
How's this Possible? Because Low-Calorie Diets that are Also Low-Fat Lead to Hunger.
Is there a solution to this fundamentally simple biochemical fact? Sure, restrict carbohydrate and not fat. In a state of few carbs, fat does not store as fat and it stays in the blood and feeds the cells. Now, many have tried the low-carb diet during the last 5 years but it failed. Dr. Atkins's plan was the most popular but that plan is pretty weak. Also the food companies jumped on the money band-wagon and promoted "good" carbs and "bad" carbs. There is no such thing.
It's time to remove the blinders and learn to understand how weight loss really works. There are rules that cannot be broken. Stay away from all the nonsense in the marketplace and from the opinions of doctors. These are the very same groups that brought us the deadly low-fat diet.
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